MY Favorite Oscar



Below are pics of Oscars from all over the world who are the favorites of their owners.

(Because of all of the great responses I've had to this page I decided to split it up into more pages for the people with slower connections.  At the bottom of the page you can continue to the next page and so forth.)





This is Debbie Pearo's daughter Stephanie from St. Cloud, Fl with "Oscar" & "Jack".



This is the little girl the ron4411 fished out of Lake Sinclair in Georgia.



This is "Mort" and she belongs to Rodrigo from Mexico



This is oscie is "Robb" and belongs to Roberto Quinones.



This is "ol ugly" and it belongs to Tina Frame.



These Oscars belong to Cathi Thompson.




This is "Charybdis" and he belongs to Alex Weaver.



This is "Edgar" and he belongs to Jessica Harper in Arizona.



This Oscar belongs to Cindy and as soon as I have a name I will put it here.



This Oscar is "Oskie" and belongs to Charles Chua from the Phillipines.



This Oscar belongs to Jerry &  Megan Mitchem.



These Oscars belong to Mike Suprise.



This Oscar belongs to Kevin from



This is "Leo" and he belongs to Cristy from San Jose, CA.



This is "Stupid" who belongs to Jerry Warren.



These Oscars belong to



This is "Killer" and "Beast" and they belong to Rob Buchheit



This Is "Charge" and "Tiger" and they belong to Linda Egan.



This is "Oscar" and it belongs to Sarah Skibiski.



This is "Kelly" & "Sharon" and they belong to Sean & Carrie McDonnell








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